Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pokémon Origins

Pokémon Origins was a Pokémon TV (on online web series that lasted only four episodes. The second episode may later be banned because it had spiritual content and one way or another tried to convince children to believe in ghosts/spirits. But this ghost was good, and just wanted to know that its baby was okay. But there was another ghost. A transparent white hand was on Red's shoulder. It was in cameo, but a woman mentioned it eventually.


In episode two, a woman said that the white ghost hand was "resting" on Red's shoulder. But when seen, the hand is actually raised.

List of Episodes

Sea 1 Ep 1: Red
Sea 1 Ep 2: Cubone
Sea 1 Ep 3: Giovanni
Sea 1 Ep 4: Charizard

Red has caught 150 Pokémon, but the list is all the Pokémon he has showed.

Red's Pokémon (Not all)

Charmander → Charmeleon → Charizard → Mega Charizard → Charizard
Haunter → Gengar



Episode 1: Red

Episode 2: Cubone

Episode 3: Giovanni

Episode 4: Charizard

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